More FAQs- How do I maintain this floor after the urethane application?
- Are there instructions to follow after my hard-surface floors are cleaned?
- When will I be able to walk on my floors?
Leave the daily cleaning to the professionals at ServiceMaster Clean of Thunder Bay. We offer daily, weekly or monthly cleaning services for your facility. Urethane finish requires only damp mopping on a daily basis or the use of an auto scrubber with a white or red pad or a soft brush. Mop with a properly diluted neutral cleansing agent and warm water. Overuse of cleaning chemicals can build up and leave a residual film on the floor. Never buff your floor; a loss of gloss may occur.
Before you walk on your floors, it’s best to allow a minimum drying time of at least 1 hour. We recommend allowing 24 hours before walking on it with heavy traffic. Be cautious and protect floors from getting wet for 24 hours after application of either finish as it is not thoroughly cured yet. You can return furniture to your floors (with suggested use of felt pads) after 12 hours and return rugs to floors after 12 hours.
The most rapid dry time is four hours but we recommend allowing eight hours before walking on the floor.